Project Description
Portuguese DeCivil of IST Lisbon, thanks also to ICIST (Instituto de Engenharia de Estruturas, Território e Construção) a research unit within IST financed by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia), the Portuguese governmental research agency, has a strong experience in developing scientific and technological research, promoting innovation and development and scientific dissemination. The Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Georesources has been involved in numerous RFCS projects Prof. L. Calado is a Member of CEN/TC250/SC4
Eurocode 4 – Composite Steel and Concrete Structures and TC 10, TC 11 and TC 13 of ECCS. He has been involved in more than 15 international research projects with competitive funding as leadership or participant. He is the CEO of FUNDEC – Association for Training and Development of Civil Engineering and Architecture, which is the outcome of the affiliation between the Instituto Superior Técnico and a number of Portugal’s top building and construction firms. Prof. J. Proença has an extensive experience in experimental tests and earthquake engineering and structural dynamics (including numerical modelling and design models).